The APSAC Alert is a digital publication of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children.
Its purpose is to provide a brief summary of a critical body of empirical research directly informing multidisciplinary
child abuse practice, including professionals who work in mental health, social service, health, and the law.
This library contains Alerts dating back to 2010. Many issues of the APSAC Alert are available in Spanish.
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In the listing below, click on a year and issue number to see the articles in that publication.
2014 Spring
Cultural Enhancement of Mental Health Services for American Indian ChildrenWithin the field of children’s mental health, there has been a distinct move to create transportability of evidence-based treatments. This has led to a myriad of “cultural adaptations” for a variety of populations to increase engagement and cultural congruency. One specific area of interest is increased adaptation of services provided for American Indian/ Alaska Native populations, specifically American Indian / Alaska Native children.
Dentro del campo de salud mental de niños, había sido un paso perceptible para crear transportabilidad de tratamientos basados en evidencia. Ha provocado una miríada de “adaptaciones culturales” para una variedad de poblaciones para aumentar la interacción y congruencia cultural. Un área específica de interés es la adaptación de servicios provistos para las poblaciones amerindias y nativas de Alaska, particularmente los niños amerindios y nativos de Alaska.
2014 Winter
The Key to Indian CountryIn the years we have traveled the country, even the world, working with front line child protection professionals, we have been moved repeatedly by the efforts of those who give their lives to children who are not their own. The experiences of front line professionals have deeply influenced our own teaching and writing, and we are convinced that these experiences must play a greater role in the work of all who address child abuse at a national, regional, or state level.
Durante los años en que viajamos por el país, aún por el mundo, el trabajo con los profesionales en primera línea de bienestar infantil, hemos sido conmovidos por los esfuerzos de aquéllos que se dedican a la protección infantil de niños que no son suyos. Las experiencias de los profesionales en primera línea han influido profundamente en nuestra enseñanza y escritura, y estamos convencidos que estas experiencias deben hacer un mejor papel en el trabajo de todos que abordan el maltrato infantil al nivel nacional, regional o estatal.